spellcast on mobtv!=)

was catching episode2 of spell cast on mobtv today=) those kids are really really smart!haha..there was this segment when some celebrities were asked to spell some words and i spelt parquet correctly=)phew!=) at least i fared better than the abcs of water haha...do catch it on mobtv if u have missed it=) so many other shows to catch on mobtv!=) hmm..which show to start first..check it out when u r free at
人尝试spelling的考验=)幸好我会spell parquet不然英文老师就要打我
的屁股了=p 至少表现比在洁净所能水中乐好许多哈哈哈哈
=p mobtv有好多好好看的节目哦!真不知道从何开始=p 有空的话不
妨上网看看=) www.mobtv.sg=)