thank u sweet fans out there=)谢谢你们亲爱的朋友们=)

everyday i receive lots of lovely emails from fans n frens alike=) and all these emails will really make my day=)
always so encouraging n positive=)it will bring an extra smile and glow to my face and within=)
thank u dear frens who make e extra effort to convey such happy thots to me and always reassuring me tt no matter what happens, u guys will always be there for me=)
thank u all from e bottom of my heart=)thank u for being so understanding and being such a dear fren to me=) i love u guys! *big hug**=)
just to share a v sweet letter from my dear fren=)hope u dun mind bigbear=)
Hi felicia
I happen to chance by your blog and i realise that you are so friendly and approachable = )
I have often read in magazine and newspaper on how qing he, next to door and friendly you are, but today after reading your blog then i really your qing he li is so much to that great extend.
Before reading your blog, i have never though stars can be so approachable and close to 'common people' =P .
Even as i read your blog and see your blog pictures, i do not feel any sense of elusiveness from you or a barrier of your stardom .
It just feel like reading another friend blog, except only when i remember that its felicia blog that i am reading then i realise that hey you are a star.
And you treat your fans like your friend, that is so cool and nice!
I believe such a good character of yours will see you far in your life . Even though people might question your motive and intention of being nice, friendly and good, i think such comment don't need to bother..
As long as we and you know its out from the bottom your heart that these good inention flow, it will be appreciated by people.
As long as you are happy in giving, why be bothered by those who don't want to recieve ? =)
must continue to Jia You !!! can see that you are very hardworking too!!! Ji xu nu li.
*i felt really touched after reading this letter..
i feel really honoured that i can be a fren to all of u who reads my blog=)
that there is really no sense of distance between u n me=)bcos i feel that when i started this blog, all i wanted was a platform where i could stay in touch with all my dear supporters out there=)
and im really glad so many of u have responded so enthusiastically and i have also reached out to ppl who didnt know me b4 too=)
thanks for being so understanding and encouraging at e same time=)
ill jiayou jiayou jiayou hope u guys will continue supporting me too hehe=)
a vv big thank u from e bottom of my heart=)*you are always warmly welcomed to my humble blog=)
love u guys muchie! hugs aplenty,feliciachin=)