honour and passion@ mobtv.sg宝家卫国=)

hello dear frens! long time since i have posted an entry here do not feel neglected!!;) cos these days have been bz dozing off in my living rm after work(boo=(..) and morning off to mediacorp again=p well, hope u guys haven forgotten abt me cos i have nv forgotten abt u hehe..sounds pretty cliche huh=p hehe..
the army show i have blogged abt previously honour and passion aka 宝家卫国 is showing on every weekdays 9pm on channel8 now!=) haha to see myself on tv giving commands and all haha needs some getting used too=) some ppl gave feedback tt i shd be more fierce, shdnt be like trying to 'gek se' etcetc, hehe thank u for yr v constructive comments ill take heed haha;)..but overall have received pretty positive comments for the first few eps thank u all for yr support! pls do continue watching baijiaweiguo!=)
was watching e scenes with me n pinghui while we were out on dates and i find him simply hilarious haha...the cold jokes n antics in the cinema..awwww...i bet all the girls hearts went out to him=) i told him while filming the show tt girls esp like shy n sweet guys like wenjing( his character in the show)...and i right or am i right=p
it was an enjoyable almost 3 months filming baijiaweiguo n to see it on screen now takes a special feeling from my heart=) glad alot of u like this show n i really hope tt u would watch till e last ep n tell me yr comments abt it=)hehe..thank u!!rem to watch todays ep where i finally realise wenjing n wenzhong are brothers=p
if u cant get home in time to watch our show, do check out mobtv.sg!thank goodness for them if not i wouldnt be able to watch the first 2 eps of baojia cos i was still working at tt time=)
meanwhile,do take care dearies!=) ill miss u guys vvv much!=)
love feliciachin;)