Sunday, July 6, 2008

hi everyone! thank u for always supporting this little blog of mine=)

ill be having a little change of blog address so please visit my new blog @

manymany thanks to chipmunk meimei for helping me out all this while--couldnt have set up my blog if not for u=)

and thank You for always being such warm support for feliciasrainbow=)

do remember, my new blog address is

see u there!



Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cagers80 Malaysia Junior team 67

had a great time cheering for the cagers yest night and together with 2 taiwanese players-wu daihao and ha xiaoyuan( v strong and experienced players), we beat the malaysia junior team 80-67.

both teams played well in the first half, keeping everyone on their toes. the scoreline was pulled further apart in the second half..vv happy to be able to see them play together for the first time and i see lots of potential in them=)

so, do support the cagers and also our very experienced teams from malaysia and indonesia whilst they battle it out on the basketball court today and tmr@ the jurong east sports hall=)

a very big thank u to yangtian, jiongjiang and weilie and dear managers who came down to support too=)

last but not least, to all my dearest fans and supporters who came all the way to jurong east to support us=) a vv big and warmest thank u to all of u=)

all the best cagers for yr match today!u guys are looking good;)

Ill be always cheering for u!=)

Ps: recently been told that many of u have been voting for me in the sgblogawards=) thank u very happy that my humble blog has a visitor like u=) and that u guys have always been supporting me=) so just wanna say a big thank u its an honour=)

--its the weekend!!enjoy yrselves!love feliciachin--


Friday, June 27, 2008

CagersAsia 2008!!=)

Whee!~today is the first day of CagersAsia 2008 basketball challenge=)

a short introduction--the cute super talented extremely adorable team u see above( haha they r going to kill me when they see this) are called the cagers=)

The Cagers team was officially formed in 2008, with a vision to establish itself as a semi-professional basketball team competing in the region. Besides that, they also hope to raise the level of basketball in Singapore.

Its players are from the ages of 15-23 years of age and play in the Singapore National Team League and also represent the Singapore National Team. Players have already played with and against each other in competitions held before Cagers was formed, such as the National School Competition and BBAXN, hence they have forged a strong bond with each other and i find them really passionate for their sport and very talented too.

This tournament is the first time that the Cagers would be playing against other teams, but they have been training extensively and have just finished an overseas training stint in taiwan( which they didnt lose in any matches), they go into this competition with high confidence of achieving excellent results=)

And! i am very honoured lucky and feel really happy that i have the chance to be the ambassador of the cagers=) i may not have a strong background in basketball, but i hope to be able to cheer for them and together, create more awareness for the cagers, and hopefully even more Singaporeans will stand up and take notice of this young team with lots of potential to shine in the basketball arena and beyond.

from 27th till 29th june, they will be competing with teams from malaysia and indonesia at the jurong east sports hall and there will even be 3-on-3 basketball challenge and hip hop dance challenge. ill be there today and on sunday to cheer them on!=)

so please do come down and cheer for our local team the cagers!tickets are available @sistic=)


jurong east sports hall

27th-29th june

tickets @ or call 63485555

you can get more infomation abt the cagers @

today is their first match against the Malaysia Junior Team which is the 1st runners-up of the 7th SEABA Championship for Junior Men 2998. I wish them all the best!

love feliciachin


Saturday, June 14, 2008


tweety's back! oopss..i mean I am back!

yeap just got back from china today...had a fitting and all ready for today's tweety event=)

yes yes! ill see u guys there;)

7pm bugis junction 14th june

------------------i thot i saw a pussycat?------------------------


Monday, June 9, 2008

happy birthday mama!

i had the good luck to be able to celebrate my granny's 79th birthday today=)

just before i leave for xiamen=)

yes going overseas today and will be back on friday!

im off to china to shoot a variety show called美食寻根 and ill be travelling to meixian梅县 and wuhua五华-places where hakka ppl reside=) btw im dapu大埔 hakka!

over in china, ill be looking for authentic hakka food like leicha and niang toufu=)

frankly, im pretty excited n nervous at the same time..ive never been to these places but super looking forward to seeing tulous土楼 and going back to the places my ancestors once lived...=)

back on fri...having a tweety event on sat14thjune @bugis junction!do come down if u r free!more details on

sorry been so busy recently haven been able to update=p

do take care of yourself when im not here;) missya...

love feliciachin.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

im back!=)

stay tuned;)


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

thank u=)

thank u...

for being so big hearted..

for contributing whatever u can...

there Is love wherever we go

and u know what..

im so proud to be a singaporean...


--to all the silent heroes all ard the world--may u be volunteers@ sichuan, normal folks picking up calls of donations..everyone who has a heart, i salute u=)

------thank u everyone for turning up@ 8days big issue autograph session and also i-weekly auction too...though e sun is hot n rain was unpredictable, u guys still made the effort=) thank u dearies=)

i will be going overseas today for abt a week=) so do take care sweets n ill see u soon=)

lots of love, feliciachin=]


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