love frm this blur sotong=p

hello everyone=) how was yr week so far? mine has been pretty interesting=)) going to do drama imaging tmr hope to take some fotos to show u guys!these days while im out, ive been approached by v nice ppl n im really v touched by how nice n welcoming they are; they r really nice to me and im v grateful for their sweetness n kindness=)) thank u v much=) n talking abt kindness, i must really thank u for taking time out n visiting my blog n reading it cos when i first started this blog one month ago, i thot not many ppl will visit it too=p thank u so much=) hehe...if u see me on e streets, i hope ill have e chance to say hi to u cos u r special to me=) ill v much love it if u guys can come forward n talk to me too!=)) tt will be so nice=)
oh ya! hehe..sometimes im really quite blur n sotong like- so if one day u feel i didnt respond when u call out my name or something, im so so sorry!didnt mean to; sometimes im deep in thots or like in my own world haha( daydreaming?=pp) so let me apologize beforehand=) ill try my best to open my eyes n ears when im out=) so looking forward to meeting nice ppl like u n not forgetting to wish u a v good nights rest n may tmr be an even better day for u=) goodnite!hugs=))
thanks dominid!=)

doesnt this portrait look uncannily like my yoyo laoshi hairstyle? thanks dominid! vv sweet of u=) thank u!
get high07 part2!

* * * For music enthusiasts who missed the first auditions, fret not!
There is an additional slot for the auditions coming up.
Final Auditions Date: 3rd March (Saturday)
Venue: Hwa Chong Institution (College) Classroom A401
Time: 10am to 1pm
*note frm my brother zhiyang=))*
happy happy i got a little pressie=))

yeah=) got a pretty little pressie early in e morn! met my dear fren jean for breakfast this morn n she gave me this little musical box=)) a small wooden rabbit pops out while e music of humpty dumpty chimes on=))wheeeee=)) happy happy=) thank u jeanie dear! take care of yrself n huiwen n yr sis in Jakarta n manila!
smiles frm long ago...

frens are foreva=)
innocence pure bliss comes frm long ago..
i wish i could smile like tt again=)))
replied emails!

finally able to take time off n replied all my emails u guys sent to me @ thank u!=)) so lovely to read all e nice emails u guys took precious time to type n send to me=) im v touched=)xiexie ni men( wanna thank all of u)=) life may be short n sometimes we get too bz to realise things happening ard us but im glad i got this chance to be able to share some of my thots life happenings to so many ppl out there n be able to interact with u guys=) simple msgs, tags n emails really bring a smile to my face so..pls do keep writing in, leaving tags, or simply just continue visiting my blog=) im glad i have this opportunity to share all these n more with u guys=)....*emo* haha....
love felicia chin...
pretty pretty kyria=)

long day today=)

get high07=)
my dear brother bobo n his frens are organizing a chinese pop charity concert=) a little note frm him=))
if u r from JC or Poly who has a strong interest in singing or performing or anything, there is an upcoming chinese pop charity concert! for more details, go to Details
Attention to all music enthusiasts who want to be part of this event!
We are looking for students from
Junior Colleges and Polytechnics
to take part in our Get High! Concert '07
Audition Date: 24th February 2007 (Saturday)Time: 9.00am to 4.00pmVenue: Hwa Chong Institution Classroom A301(there will be ushers to direct you to the audition room)
* * * * *Singing auditionsPlease prepare 2-3 Chinese Pop songs to sing for the auditions.
You will be judged by music professionals and selected singers will be notified separately.
Selected singers will have to chance to perform together with the 'Let it Shine' Cast of 2007 and 'Campus Superstars' of 2006 on stage in the cause for aiding charity.There is no competition or elimination of singers once you get in and everyone will work towards the goal of making the Concert a success!Selected singers will also undergo intense free training classes to hone their singing skills and stage presence for the concert.
* * * * *Instrumentalists auditionsA band would be formed for the concert. Thus, if you can play the electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboard or any other form of instruments that can contribute to the concert, feel free to come down for the auditions as well.Please bring your own guitars and amplifiers.
* * * * *Volunteers If you are interested in just being part of this event, helping out in the cause of charity, please come down to Hwa Chong Institution as well to register for the event.
* * * * *CIP hours will be awarded over the course of this entire check our blog for more upcoming updates!
HC Gefang
thank u jinghui=)

a little girl passed this to me sweet of her..thank u jinghui for yr miniature meirenyu=pp happy new yr to u too=)
hello im back!=)

how was chn new yr for u guys? mine went pretty well=) chu ers seafood dinner was fun!we had four tables fully seated n dinner was yummy too( just tt i wish e almond longan dessert cld hv almond taste insteast of just agaragar=p) in e afternoon went to best frens jeans place=) had vv good homemade lunch n out of e world malay kuehkueh( its purple n white with bits of banana in it..oh my..its like so soft, melt in yr mouth kind n u hanker for more=pp) i love new yr in a way tt its like a v gd gathering for a lot of ppl dear n close to yr heart=) im glad this new yr was a good one for me=) hehe...till next yr...
midnight chinatown action-- lelong*2=p

a group of us went down to chinatown after e new yr show=) i was pretty excited cos its e first time im at chinatown rite after e countdown(norm ill go a few days b4 new yr) it was like 230am n it was still ren shan ren hai lots n lots of ppl! cool! nv got to see this sight of singaporeans at this time still out n enjoying themselves=) we walked ard n ate n drank n shopped..drank coconut juice, bought german hotdogs, seaweed cuttlefish, curry fishballs, mineral water tt cost us $3 but sold for $1.50 few stalls away haha..i bought a piggy showercap for my mum, some new yr decorations, sparklers for my cousins, one pingan fu tt i like alot=) n one pot of flowers tt i bargained for $2..goodie!
most things were going on sale..bags of packet wasabi beans n healthy black beans were going for one plastic bag( fill up all u can) for $5..few stalls away e melon seed stall is doing e same thing too!(one goodie bag filled with packs of melon seeds n biscuits etc) for $5..b4 we left at abt 4, it was going 2 bags for $5=p haha got alittle worried tt e zhuan yun zhu we bought had quite a no. of leaves compared to others ppls' which didnt have a single leaf haha...n we were all teasing tt we had bought 'overgrown' ones..but i think its actually quite alrite la just tt the zhuan yun zhu had been kept for a longer period of time=p
at 330am e crowd was still going strong! incredible! abt 4am e rubbish trucks started to come n lights started to switch off n finally e crowds began thinning..but all in all it was so nice to be jostling with e crowd immersing in e new yr spirits!try it next yr if u r free=) go with yr family or a grp of frens..vv fun=)
fotos frm chn new yr live show on 170207=)