Sunday, February 11, 2007

life is short..

yest, one of my softball junior passed away..she was only 21..while on e cab to her wake, suddenly it crossed my mind tt life is short..i know tt we shd always treasure every min n sec of our time n life but when things this close strikes u, u will stop n think abt life as a whole..n i start thinking if something really happened to me tmr or something(choi) will i look back n have things tt i regret..could i have done better? could i have been a better person..then i thot..i think life is short n u would never know what would happen to us tmr..n sometimes we get bogged down by things tt u think is troubling u alot but even they will diminish to almost non importance when u know u may not even live tmr? i think e most impt thing in life is to be happy in watever u it e best u can....face problems with a brave heart and most imptly do things tt do not go agt yr own principles n conscience..face it bravely n smile even if e going is a good person n i think i wld have lived my life with no regrets..sorry to sound so solemn but...well just some of my thots..

to jolene...u r such an angel to all of us..we will miss u always in our hearts..


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