
hello everyone im back!=) well todays i weekly shoot went pretty well luckily it didnt rain=) we went sentosa's cafe del mar and its really quite a nice place to relax n suntan n enjoy e music=) started at ard 9am ended at abt 3pm..after that went to do some voice recordings then headed home..i fell asleep on e sofa while watching tv..haha..pretty beat..
anyway, i didnt manage to take fotos of my own today cos it was a pretty tight shoot so hopefully my fren can send me some fotos of e shoot soon hehe..im going on a 933 interview today(14th mar) with chongqing!its from 7 pm to 8 pm so do tune in if u r free or happen to be listening to radio=) tmr morning there is a praying session for bao jia wei guo cast=) will be there with all e EP, Producers, APs, PAs, cast etc...may filming be off to a great start for all of us=)
many of u have wrote to me saying u like my blog n enjoy reading it=)thank u for yr support!n to extra, thanks for sending in a foto of my blog to me saying this is something tt made u smile=) tts v sweet of u=)
quote of e day:A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked( haha..i think this is pretty good=)) thanks sandi...=)