hello dearies! how was yr mooncake festival yest? had fun with yr lanterns and 赏月ing?=) i think full moons are so beautiful and perfect=) its v alluring in its own charming way=)
i celebrated 中秋节(mooncake festival) by having a simple dinner with my family=) heh...miss those days of carrying paper lanterns and walking round the neighbourhood with frens n family=) heh i nearly started a mini fire at home when i was young cos i burnt a paper lantern accidentally=p opps...
anyway, i had a wonderful day today!=) had outdoor filming at a dry market in yishun and met lots of lovely ppl=)
heh..thank u all lovely aunties uncles students boys n girls n adorable 弟弟 and 妹妹who so passionately came forward to welcome all of us n asked for autographs n pictures taken=) hehe...e kids esp are so adorable!=) if u happen to be one of them whom i met today, a vv big hello to u dearie!=)
and thank u jeffery( our dear propsman) for making me laugh all the way back too=p
after work i rushed down to far east to develop some photos and hehe...couldnt resist a big bowl of yummy soup ramen too=)( thank u dear staff of ramenten=)) anyway...i love noodles n rice=) esp piping hot delicious ones=) haha...
and...bought this new pair of shades too!=)heh..looks good on me? been a while since i bought anything for myself or did any shopping=)
wat a fruitful wednesday! tmr will be even busier though haha...having interview at 10am filming from 1 pm till 530am haha...yeap tts my schedule tmr wish me luck!;)
meanwhile, take care dearies n i love u guys too!=)
love n hugs aplenty felicia panda chin;)