sorrie to have disappeared for like the whole of new yr n valentines day...
hereby wishing u guys had a great chn new yr n vday=)
im a big procrastinator..been putting off alot of stuff..n posting on my blog is one of them..
sorrie dearies..
camera rip--ed during new yr..so i lost all my cny fotos...=( boohoo...
these days been filming my drama- 心花朵朵开。。。and am going to be part of a 8parter series show...
n..hmm..let me see....mood hasnt been pretty good these days....sigh..yes...i do have mood swings sometimes...
-----------its e time of the month..let me dig myself out of this hole....i can do it......-----------
meanwhile..take care dearies..thanks for not giving up on me...
smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile..rainbows across e skies=))