most things were going on sale..bags of packet wasabi beans n healthy black beans were going for one plastic bag( fill up all u can) for $5..few stalls away e melon seed stall is doing e same thing too!(one goodie bag filled with packs of melon seeds n biscuits etc) for $5..b4 we left at abt 4, it was going 2 bags for $5=p haha got alittle worried tt e zhuan yun zhu we bought had quite a no. of leaves compared to others ppls' which didnt have a single leaf haha...n we were all teasing tt we had bought 'overgrown' ones..but i think its actually quite alrite la just tt the zhuan yun zhu had been kept for a longer period of time=p
at 330am e crowd was still going strong! incredible! abt 4am e rubbish trucks started to come n lights started to switch off n finally e crowds began thinning..but all in all it was so nice to be jostling with e crowd immersing in e new yr spirits!try it next yr if u r free=) go with yr family or a grp of frens..vv fun=)