if e photos look yummy to u, thats bcos they r taken whilst filming my new campus variety food show with dasmond koh called campus yummy hunt!
we go ard tertiary school campuses looking for good food recommended by students from e school! and we hv a team with 'professional' eating standards to grade the food=) so far we have been to ntu n sp..
typical day starts off with makeup@830 ...dasmond is so good he does his own hair n makeup...heh..its really great working with him..its my first time..hes like a da ge...vv patient n willing to guide n teach..
anyway, we depart@ abt 930....first we will do a link(lead in to the show) followed by visiting e respective stalls!
but first up we have to feed our panel of 'judges' all 30 of them..so we serve food haha(part time waiter) feed them interview them, get feedback..followed by more links, interview with stall owners, grade their food; sometimes we will steal some time to try them too(hehe)..
after a hard days work (=p), we do chill, sit ard, talk, take fotos, n sometimes do extra stuff like take fotos for promo posters n for our website!(check out the safari getup=p)
a typical day will end @ abt7pm=)
so for more yummylicious food, do catch campus yummy hunt starting from 27th nov 8pm on channel U!
for more details, check out
more food tasting tmr!!so updates coming soon!;)rem to come back 4 more=)