hello everyone!=)))

hello everybody! so sorrie for my lack of updates have been pretty busy with filming of path of gold( sometimes till midnight=p)but u guys are never forgotten in my heart cos ive been thinking of u hehe...thanks for continuing visiting my blog and leaving such nice n comforting msgs i do read them!=)
and many many thanks for all e support for baojiaweiguo( honour and passion)! hehe...e show may have just ended but i always hear such positive support for e show n also encouraging comments for my role thank u all of u!=)
ill post a longer entry asap hope u guys will come back n read it=) just wanna type this b4 i sleep to say u r guys are not forgotten n thank u for standing by me always=)
goodnite n do have a superb day ahead!=)smile always!=)
love feliciachin=)